CloudSEE® is a new worldwide multi-server based remote surveillance
technology that allows users to view their camera systems from anywhere
in the world without changing any networking setting at the host location.
This new technology will change the way surveillance systems connect to the
With all other surveillance systems certain procedures are required to allow
users to view their cameras online. Procedures such as establishing a static
IP address, forwarding application ports to the surveillance system or Enabling
DMZ (DeMilitarized Zone) settings which is unsecured and dangerous.

technology that allows users to view their camera systems from anywhere
in the world without changing any networking setting at the host location.
This new technology will change the way surveillance systems connect to the
With all other surveillance systems certain procedures are required to allow
users to view their cameras online. Procedures such as establishing a static
IP address, forwarding application ports to the surveillance system or Enabling
DMZ (DeMilitarized Zone) settings which is unsecured and dangerous.